I have started using Reason 4, and I must say it is awesome. Although it does seem to lack some things that I loved in FL8, that or I just haven't discovered the equivalent yet. I would love to start shitting out new songs every week so that I could be proud of myself and maybe convince my mother to love me again, but I get too distracted by all the nobs and shiny buttons! Right now I want to be able to get Thor to say some stuff other than "IIIIIEEEEE AAAMMM TTTHHHOOORRR, HHHHUUUURRGGGG" it takes forever to find a sound that has the flexibility to sound out syllables and then adjust the sequence to pronounce it correctly, I dunno how long this will take me, but I must master it!
While I fuck around with that I'm also making another song on the side, maybe I will get to finishing it in a week or so.